"Liebe" is an anthology about love. (I am sorry but most of the books I published articles in are only available in German - except "Skin to Skin", see the 3rd picture -, so if you know German, check them out!) The book cointains scientific articles about love from different disciples f.e. psycology, sociology, literature, politics etc.
I have an article in this book which looks at individualism in relationships. I analyse how in today's world everyone is individualistic and pursuits his or her own dreams but then when you fall in love and you're in a realtionship with someone, you have to make sacrifices, you have to compromise and give up parts of your personal lifestyle, give up some dreams even. You're not that flexible and free anymore because you are emotionally bound to another person. I write about studies which show that in my generation many relationships actually fail because of the conflict between independence and companionship. Love costs something and you have to decide wether it's worth the price. (Hint: When you find real love, you will find that it's worth it. Believe me. I am huge fan of love but I also see the struggles of relationships.)
By the way, to publish this article was one of my manifestations for 2015 and it almost failed because the editor of the book said that she already had enough text out of the area of sociology. I had already given up on this by April but then in May, just like that, my text was back in, and now here it is in black and white.
You can buy "Liebe" here.
"Mein heimliches Auge XXX" is this year's yearbook of erotic literature and photography. I published a short story in this book about how I lost my hate of the colour green (yes, the reason has something to do with a guy and with mind-blowing sex but you'll have to read it, to know more). I have published a text in this yearbook before but under an alias. This time it's the first time that I published under my real name. I'm sick of hiding.
You can buy it here.
"Skin to Skin" is a photography book of nude pictures taken by the insanely talented photographer Thomas Karsten. He is one of the most successful erotic photographers in Europe and he definitely knows what he's doing. I know him through work and when he called one day and asked me to write an introduction to his new book, I didn't hesitate. My text was also translated into English so you'll all be able to understand it, and the pictures of course speak a universal language. It's a beautiful book.
You can buy it here.
For christmas there will be another book released which contains interviews with long term couples and I am one of the two editors of it. I have put a lot of work into this book and my name will be written on the front cover, which is a first for me. I can't wait to hold it in my hands!
Also, in more exciting news (!), I am writing a book. It is a novel and I am really convinced by the idea. I am taking a writing class where we discuss our work in progress and it helps a lot. I have only 30 pages yet but I am determined to keep writing and editing and re-writing until one day, maybe in two years, it will be published. But more on the experience to write my first book another time.
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